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小编:环球雅思 170

  1.首先我们先来看看时态:一般过去时,那些常用的不规则动词,请各位一定要熟记于心,尤其是基础较薄弱的同学,然后多加练习,一定要注意用过去式描述过去发生的事情;然后是一般现在时:“三单”要注意啊He___s / She___s !

  2.主谓单复数保持一致:Some people are very traditional in China / Women are more sensitive. ü People is / Men is…?

  3.注意比较级的使用,并且比较的前后成分需保持一致:It will be more easier to… / more better… ?. It will be easier / better to do…; It will be more difficult to do… ü; The production in the USA is higher than China ? / The production in the USA is higher than that in China ü

  4.How to say? ? 一般为中式英语,老外一般不会这么说,他们会用What’s the word? ü

  5.注意不同词性,所代表的不同含义,不可混用:foreign(adj.) / foreigner(n.) => Peter is a foreigner / I like to watch foreign films ü  foreigner programs ?; To communicate(v.) / communication(n.) =>The cell phone is a great tool to communication ?; The cell phone is a great tool for communication ü; Parents find it difficult to communicate with their children ü

  6.国家与人民要区分:Germany / German and France / French => He’s from France / He is French ü

  7.注意know / learn在口语表达中的差别。同学们经常喜欢说:We can know each other better ? / We can get to know each other better ü; I can know more about my future career ? / I can learn more about my future career ü

  8.避免在一句话中连续使用动词。在一句话中,动词有且只有一个或者你可用连词连接句式及非谓语进行转换;It could be happen ? / It could happen ü; There are many people believe in him ? / There are many people who believe in him ü

  9.在口语中还需注意定冠词“the”的使用:I always play piano at midnight ? / I often play the football on the campus ?; I always play the piano at midnight ü / I often play football on the campus ü

  10.注意“there”的用法:I will go to there ? / I will go there ü; I have friends in there ? / I have friends in Shanghai ü I have friends there ü

  11.区分need和require的差异,工作是要求而不是需要:The job needs me to be careful ? / The job requires me to be careful ü

  12.“fun”和“funny”的使用是有差异的:Basketball is fun ü / It’s a funny story ü “funny”是指make you laugh or smile而不是指乐趣。

  13.Interesting / interested; boring / bored。前者是令人…,后者是感到… => The teacher is boring. I feel bored ü


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