Section one
版本号: V110716S1
场景: 课程介绍
题型: 表格填空
Couse name | Time | Notice |
| 1. morning | |
2. French cooking | 3. the first Tuesday every month | 4. bring money for food ingredient |
5. Painting class | | 6. brushes |
7. Golf club | 8. 15th May | 9. room number:J52 10. parking: next to the station |
Section two
版本号: New
场景: Canon介绍
题型: 选择,配对
11. 1901年船发生的变化:A. carved by a log
12. 最终的计划是 eventual plan: global travel
13. 某个年代遇到了什么问题:A. loss of instruments
14. the purpose of going to London visited by more people 展示给更多的人
15. 船最终去哪里了 C taken of Victoria
第一个船Tiny xx——steer the boat就是可以自己上去开
第二个船 ——可以看到marine animals
第三个 一一可以看到bird fly
第四个 ——take their own vehicles可以带自己的交通工具
第五个 ——可以了解到marine history
Section three
版本号: New
场景: 学术讨论
内容回忆:两个business research department的学生和supervisor的对话,关于一个叫willows的公司的
21. 公司是做什么的:specialized in one product
22. 公司和这个department怎么产生联系的:the owner write the article就是公司的owner读到了系主任的一篇文章
23. 调查的methodology: check the account 查账
24. 两个学生为什么要进行face-to-face 的 interviews: less disturbance
25. the supervisor’s view on their questionnaire: about average
26&27. The influence of the new software on the company:
Newly employed more workers
Cut labour cost
28&29 customers对new software的反映
Get more involved in the design
Save more time
Section four
版本号: V110827S4
场景: 学术讲座
题型: 填空
31. this time, the research is special because it is using a satellite
32. in precious studies, it was done with radio
33. problem: always loosing signals
34. the crocodiles are not easily captured, as they are cautious to avoid people
35. first waited a whole week, then they follow the most direct route way home
36. tracking devices are set in the head of the crocodiles
37. relocate crocodiles by using a helicopter
38. how easily crocodiles can navigate
39. the crocodiles find their direction by using their sense to the sun
40. crocodiles have same system like birds