小编:Eileen 97在考雅思的时候,同学们经常会遇见一些状况需要停顿下来思考一下,但是又怕流利度会被扣分,今天Jeff老师教大家如何用一些过渡句型为自己赢得思考时间。
You need time to think about the question.
1.That's an interesting question.
2.Let me see.
3.I haven't thought about that question before.
4.Where should I start?
5.There are a variety of different things I could say.
6.Wow. That's a tough question to answer.
7.I need a couple of seconds to think about that but…
8.I'm not quite sure what to say here.
Finding away to say.
1.So my answer to your questions is…
2.And I suppose that that is my main point.
3.And finally I'd say that…
4.My personal conclusion would be…
5.And I don't think I have anything else to say.
You just thought of a better idea.
1.And I should add that…
2.Another point would be that…
3.I almost forgot to say that…
4.But there is also something else to consider…
You know what you just said is rubbish.
1.Let me try and rephrase that…
2.What I'm trying to say is…
3.Or to put it another way…
4.So the main point is…
You forgot the word or what you wanted to say.
1.Sorry, It is on the tip of my tongue.
2.I don't know the right way to put this.
3.Sorry, I've forgotten the word in English.
4.I'm not sure if this is the right way to put this.