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Hi,I'm Queenie. Haven't seen you guys for ages. Miss you all so much. Today, I'd love to share a new topic with you all. See for yourself!

Map(地图)话题是5月雅思口语考试新增话题,也是5月,6月Part 1中的高频考试题。今天Queenie就和大家分享一下针对Map题的答题方法,参加7月,8月雅思考试的童鞋们,可以作为参考哦。

1.Q: Do you often use the map?
A: Well, I suppose the answer is yes. Actually, I have no sense of direction, so I easily get lost. I know it's a little bit embarrassing, but I have to admit it. Let me put it in this way, the map is a must to me, because it's a helpful tool to direct me to every nook and cranny of a place.

Tips: ①have no sense of direction 路痴,没有方向感;②be a must 是口语里常会用到的一个表达方式,“a”不可以省略,意思是不可或缺;③every nook and cranny 意思是每个角落,边边角角,我们还可以说 know every nook and cranny of a place 用来表示对某地了如指掌。

2.Q: Which one do you prefer, the electronic map or the regular paper map?
A: To be honest, I would go for the electronic map. For one thing, I can download the electronic map from the internet freely as well as update it in a timely manner. For another, it can be used on a variety of devices, like, in-car navigation, which is the regular paper map can never hold a candle to.

Tips:①update sth in a timely manner 及时更新;in-car navigation 车载导航;can never hold a candle to 比不上。

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