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小编: 447


Young people who commit crimes, such as a robbery or a violent attack should be punished in the same ways as adults.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.








范文1 Model answer (同意应该区别对待)



Whether juveniles (n. 青少年) who commit crimes (犯罪) should be punished as adults is a question plaguing (vt. 使苦恼;烦忧) many countries’ legal systems (法律体系) today as the violent acts (暴力行为) of juvenile offenders (青少年罪犯) continue to make headlines (成为头条新闻). I think sentencing judges (量刑) could be more lenient (adj. 宽大的;仁慈的) with teenagers for several reasons.

Body paragraph 1 (主要论点1)

Firstly, studies have shown that based on adolescents’ brain development (脑发育), they are more likely to act on impulse (意气用事), misread (vt. 误解) social cues and emotions (社会暗示或情感), and/or engage in (从事;参加) risky behaviour and may commit a crime. Also, some reports indicate that teenagers are more capable of (更有能力的) learning from their mistakes and as they are in the early stages of their life, they can more easily be rehabilitated (被改造). Under these circumstances (在这种情况下), the community (社会) should be lenient with them and the court should give them easier sentences.

Body paragraph 2 (主要论点2)

Secondly, punishing youngsters as adults, as some research demonstrates (vt. 论证), is not an efficient resolution (有效解决方法). Evidence is increasing that housing juveniles in adult facilities (把少年犯置于成年人的环境中) is detrimental to (有害) not just their futures, which are limited by restrictions on where they can live, but also what jobs they can do and who they can associate with. Treating juveniles as adults increases the number of crimes they commit as adults, making everyone less safe.

Body paragraph 3 (过渡段)

Some may argue that adolescents (n. 青少年) should be held accountable for (负责) their actions and tried (v. 审判) as adults mainly because violence should never be an option, and this needs to be reinforced (暴力永远不是解决问题的最好方法这一概念应该被强化) for everyone irrespective of (不管;不顾) age. Somehow (从某种角度来看), age does not seem reason enough to justify (vt. 证明是正当的) or dilute (vt. 削弱;冲淡) the intensity (n. 强度) of crime committed. These people argue that those who commit violent offences (暴力犯罪) should be answerable (adj. 应负责任的), regardless of (不管;不顾) their age, as even teenagers know what is wrong.


To conclude, juveniles should get a second chance to rectify (vt. 矫正) their errors as they might have grown up in a tough environment (艰苦环境) (e.g. poverty (n. 贫困)). Although some insist that adolescent criminals (青少年罪犯) should get the same punishment as adults, I personally suggest they should be helped instead of being punished.

(317 words)

范文2 Model answer (不同意应该区别对待)



The idea of holding juvenile criminals, specifically those between their ages of 13 and 18 teenagers less responsible for their crimes has been common law for centuries. However, many current trials (目前的实验) served to heighten (vt. 加强;强化;增强) the public conception (公共观念) that juvenile violent crime is on the rise. I think that the sentencing judge on serious crimes committed by adolescents, e.g. murder (n. 谋杀), homicide (凶杀), rape (n. 强奸), etc., should be less lenient than they are currently.

Body paragraph 1 (过渡段)

Some would argue that juveniles, especially those under 16, do not have the mental capability (智力) to plan or carry out crimes, or to understand the consequences of their actions. They have low impulse control and act on emotions like anger and fear. If they are punished as adults, e.g. putting them in adult prison, both they and their families will suffer. In this way, they should be treated as people who need to be rehabilitated and be given less punishment. These people believe that treating adolescent and teenage prisoners by educating them and giving them love would be a more effective way to ensure less juvenile crime.

Body paragraph 2 (主要论点1)

However, many others believe that more heinous crimes (十恶不赦的大罪) committed by juveniles should and must be treated in the same regard (在相同的方面); not necessarily to punish heinous acts, but to provide justice to the families of victims (而是为受害者的家庭伸张正义). Studies show that trying adolescents as adults has coincided with (符合;与相一致) lower rates of juvenile crimes. When crimes like murder and rape have been committed, the age of the criminal does not matter - juvenile offenders who commit these inherently (adv. 固有的;内在的) adult crimes should be tried as adults. Therefore, harsh (adj. 严厉的) sentencing should be seen as a deterrent (n. 威慑) to potential juvenile criminals.

Body paragraph 3 (主要论点2)

Additionally, children today are more sophisticated (adj. 富有经验的;久经世故的) at a younger age; for example, they understand the implications of violence (暴力暗示) and how to use violent weapons. It is absurd (adj. 荒谬的) to argue that a modern teenager/child, who sees the effect of violence around them in the news every day, does not understand what killing really is. The fact that young killers know how to load and shoot a gun is an indicator (n. 指示) that they understand exactly what they are doing. In this case, there is a false dichotomy (错误的两分法) between childhood and adulthood that should be addressed.


In conclusion, although some believe that juvenile offenders should not be held to adult standards, I insist that for adolescents and teenagers who commit heinous crimes, light sentencing does not properly impart (vt. 给予) the lesson that committing violent crime comes with consequences onto them.

(407 words)


wsocial cues: 社会暗示,在无对抗的条件下,用含蓄、间接的方法对人们施加影响,使之按照一定的方式去行动或接受一定的意见、观点的一种社会心理现象。简称暗示。

wtry: 这个词让各位万万没想到有审问,审理,审讯,审判的意思。


They tried him and sentenced him to 10 years in prison.


The couple were tried for treason.


wa false dichotomy: 文中指的是错误的两分法,即按照年龄划分童年和成年的做法是不科学的意思。

这个表达还有假两难推理(也做False dilemma)的意思,是逻辑谬误(Deductive Fallacies)的一种,又称非黑即白(black-or-white)。它对讨论的问题,提出看来是所有可能的选择或观点(一般是两个);但其实这些选择并不全面,亦不是所有的可能。非黑即白是一种非形式谬误。

例子:你要不就是跟我们一伙的,要不就是与我等为敌的(You're either with us, or against us.)


“Should the Law Treat Kids and Adults Differently?”


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