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小编:Eileen 144

  在连续考了两次混合提问之后, 上周六的题目只有惊喜, 没有惊吓。广告类的题目, 不仅是近些年, 其实是常年的高频。其中, 关于广告的影响以及广告的治理更是高频中的高频。因此本周六的题目充满了惊喜。让环球颜王团杨亮老师为我们带来2017年4月22日雅思写作范文。


  Some people think advertising may have positive economic effects. Others think it has negative social effects because individuals feel dissatisfied with who they are and what they have. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 20170422

  典型的双边讨论问题. 一方面说广告有积极的经济影响。另一方面说, 广告有消极的社会影响。考生只需分开讨论分开结论即可。

  In the era of information, people’s life and even our whole society are being influenced by pervasiveness of commercials. Thus, the public are attaching adequate emphasis on its possibly economic and social outcomes.

  简单的一个背景介绍加上一个清晰的点题, 构成了简短精炼的首段。

  For one thing, there is no gainsaying that advertising does bring economy positive impact by enhancing sales volume of some certain products and providing working opportunities and taxation in some areas. To begin with, advertising cannot only disseminate information of some products worldwide but also stimulate people’s demand of those products. By analogy, high sales volume of products generated by commercials contributes substantially to the advancement of economy. On top of this, advertising companies offer a great number of job opportunities and raise taxation for local governments. In some cities, advertising industry can be thought as the pillar one by local governments with bringing revenue and elevating employment rates in certain areas.

  主段一重点讨论广告在经济方面的影响. 其不仅增加了某些商品的销量, 还可以提供就业机会和创造税收。

  For another, in fact advertisements to a tiny extent leads to people's dissatisfaction to their life which can be regarded as a negative social impact. In the age when advertisements did not exist at all, people's jealousness might mislead them to buy something that they saw their friends had but they did not. Namely, comparing mentality is what motivates people to make some inappropriate shopping decision rather than advertisements. Advertisements merely, to a great extent, decides which products people need to buy, and there are a great number of factors deciding whether people need to buy something or not.

  主段二重点否定广告可以造成人们对自己生活的不满意。其实对生活的不满更多来至于嫉妒和攀比心理。广告更多是使人们在购买物品时做选择, 而并非是本质上激发人们的购物欲。

  To sum up, positive influence to economic prosperity brought by commercials ought to be affirmed, and meanwhile possibly adverse influence to the advancement of our society caused by advertisements is obviously overestimated.

  结尾段本着分开讨论分开总结的原则, 用两句话总括全文。首先, 广告在经济方面有促进作用。同时广告的消极社会影响被高估了。






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