小编: 1161例:剑8T4P2—P95 Q14 Biological control of pests
Q14 The use of pesticides has contributed to
A a change in the way ecologies are classified by agroecologists.
B an imbalance in many ecologies around the world.
C the prevention of ecological disasters in some parts of the world.
D an increase in the range of ecologies which can be usefully farmed.
Q14 一般为雅思阅读第2篇文章第1道题,所以应该从原文第1段开始找这道题的出处。
其次:划题目定位词(特殊名词优先),确切定位题目在原文中的出处: The use of pesticides。
3-1 划掉同一题型内部重复词及文章标题词,排除干扰。
所以划掉A 选项第6个单词、B选项第5个单词、C选项第4个单词和D选项第7个单词(ecologies / ecological)
3-2 标出正负向(+、-),确定备选项基调。
所以B选项第2个单词“imbalance 不平衡”为“负向,-”
C选项第2-5个单词“prevention of disasters 灾害的预防”整体为“正向,+”
D 选项倒数第2个单词“usefully”为“正向,+”
但是,万一我不认识B, C选项中的这些词,又该怎么做题?
3-3 划出定位词,作为排除筛选的依据,缩小答案范围。
A 最后一个单词:agroecologists 注意:越陌生的单词越有可能在原文中原词重现
C 最后五个单词:“some parts of the world”, “世界上部分地区”。顾名思义,若“南美”“北美”“亚洲”“非洲”等类词汇出现,才符合C项的要求。
D 第2个单词:increase. 打上升符号,若有“上升”类的表达出现,选D。
我们来准备几个:increase = rise =grow=growth= jump = accelerate = more = higher
“The continuous and reckless use of synthetic chemicals(化学剂)for the control of pests (= Q14 题目定位词:The use of pesticides )which pose a threat to agricultural crops and human health is proving to be counter-productive. Apart from engendering widespread ecological disorders, pesticides have contributed to the emergence of a new breed of chemical resistant, highly lethal superbugs.”
A 最后一个单词:agroecologists---未在原文中出现,不能选A。
C 最后五个单词:“some parts of the world” --- 原文中无“南美”“北美”“亚洲”“非洲”等类词汇,不能选C.
D increase 及 usefully farmed “+”---原文中无“上升”及“正向”的表达,不能选D。
所以,选B. 来看原文与题目的关联:
原文第二句前半段:“widespread ecological disorders”(普遍的生态紊乱)---方向为“-”: disorders = 题目imbalance;且widespread= 题目 around the world.