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小编: 1821
摘要:part 2:1. Someone who is good at cooking.2. Something you want to buy.3. A famous person4. Some advice you received

2015年1月口语预测 环球教育jeff出品

part 2

1. Someone who is good at cooking.

2. Something you want to buy.

3. A famous person

4. Some advice you received

5. A traffic jam

6. A healthy habit

7. A childhood song

8. A childhood toy

9. An historic city

10.  A family member that you want to work with

11.  A piece of good news you have heard

12.  A film you like to watch again

13.  A happy childhood memory/family event in childhood

14.  A TV or radio program that you want to introduce to your f riends and family

15.  A car or vehicle you would like to have

16.  An old person who you admire

17.  A gift that you hand made for somebody

18.  The latest book you have read

19.  A project or homework assignment

20.  An unusual building

21.  A garden of park

22.  A surprise you have had

23.  An interesting website you have used

24.  A time when you lost your way

25.  A subject you didn’t like before, but have interest in now

26.  A good leader

27.  A person you don’t like but have to be friendly to

28.  A memorable place full of colors

29.  A short trip you have had but you want to do it again

30.  An ambition you have not achieved yet

31.  A situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth or you were told a lie

32.  A person who you wanted to be similar to when you were growing

33.  A meal that you invited families or friends

34.  An important job in your country

35.  A handsome man or a beautiful girl

36.  useful APP

37.  Something that you learnt from the Internet

38.  Sports man

39.  A singer or a band

40.  A prize that you want to win

41.  A friend’s good habit that you want to develop

42.  Something you borrowed from a family or a friend


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