44 2016-03-01如何学号雅思口语呢?其实掌握适当的雅思复习方法最重要。下面环球教育口语老师为...了解更多>>
45 2016-03-01有没有觉得阅读练习做很多,却没什么进步。。为何不先来研究下阅读题型呢?弄清楚...了解更多>>
56 2016-02-29Nowadays, there is a large amount of advertising aimed at children. Some...了解更多>>
62 2016-02-231月为雅思变题季. 雅思口语话题将有30%左右的话题被新题替换. 今天开始已经有广州\上...了解更多>>
324 2016-01-08Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed when they are used ...了解更多>>
218 2015-12-23本范文由环球教育教研中心供稿,转载请注明出处! Reading story books is better ...了解更多>>
355 2015-12-15Today people are surroundedby many kinds of advertisingand this is having...了解更多>>
258 2015-12-0720151121a In some societies, the role of a mother differs in some ways...了解更多>>
128764 2015-11-25雅思听力备考该从哪几个方面着手?刚接触雅思考试的考生可能不太了解。...了解更多>>
218 2015-11-17雅思听力应该如何备考?每天练习多少时间呢?这两个问题是所有雅思考生都...了解更多>>
272 2015-11-17雅思听力考试作为雅思考试第一个项目,它的发挥情况将直接影响到考生后面考试的心...了解更多>>
194 2015-11-17The best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports at school...了解更多>>
20156 2015-11-17雅思阅读考试除了最基本的词汇问题,考生需要解决的就是阅读速度的问题...了解更多>>
234 2015-11-17